元横綱・千津山が新設した相撲部屋へ密着取材。ひびき夫人と二人三脚で日夜9 人の弟子達の面倒を見ている千津山部屋。ここでは他の相撲部屋とは異なる、ある特殊な選手育成カリキュラムで昇進を連発させていた。取材を通して、いま躍進を続ける相撲部屋の士気向上のコツが見えてきた―。
A close-up interview with the newly established sumo stable by former yokozuna Chizuyama. Chizuyama stable works together with Mrs. Hibiki to take care of nine disciples day and night. Here, they were constantly promoted through a special player development curriculum, which was different from other sumo stables. Through the interviews, we began to see tips for improving the morale of the Sumo Stable, which is currently making its strides.

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