娘の乃愛は、小さい頃から父親にベッタリで、学生になった今でも…。日々の成長と共に女性としての魅力を感じてしまい、ドキッとする父親であった。このままではいけないと思いながら、娘を愛する故、ずるずるとここまで来てしまった…。 最初こそ拒むも、だんだん快楽に負けていく禁断のNTR近親相姦。
His daughter Noa has been obsessed with her father ever since she was little, and even now that she’s a student… As she grows up day by day, he becomes aware of her charm as a woman, and her father is shocked. She thinks she can’t stay like this, but because she loves her daughter, she has come this far… Although she refuses at first, she gradually succumbs to the pleasure of forbidden NTR incest.