●出張で上京してきた義兄を夫の不在中にお世話する事になった人妻。彼女は密かに義兄に惹かれていて、その事を知った義兄は突然…。「俺と二人だけど平気なの?」「3日間お兄さんと一緒にいて気が合うなぁーと思って…」するといきなり兄がディープキスをしてきて…。「もうマンコ、ぐしょぐしょじゃないか」「お兄さん恥ずかしい、あーもっと触って~!」義兄と弟嫁の昼下がりの不貞淫行。●引っ越して来たばかりで町内会に入った奥さんは副会長の親父と仲良くなる。彼は絶倫との噂があり、興味を惹かれた奥さんは…。「お宅の旦那、ウチの女房は性欲旺盛で困るって言ってたよ」「主人がそんな事話してたんですか!」「一回だけでイイから俺とヤってみないか?」「あーっダメですそんなトコ、汚いわぁー」「剛毛なんだなぁ、花屋で剪定しているわりに陰毛は野放しなんだ」「そんなにしないでぇーイっちゃうからぁ!」。 二話収録
●A married woman is taking care of her brother-in-law, who came to Tokyo on a business trip while her husband is away. She is secretly attracted to him, and when he finds out, he suddenly… “Are you okay with being alone with me?” “I’ve been with you for three days and I thought we got along well…” Then, suddenly, he starts deep kissing her… “My pussy is already soaking wet,” “I’m embarrassed, brother, touch me more!” An afternoon of adultery between brother-in-law and his younger brother’s wife. ●A wife who has just moved and joined the neighborhood association becomes close with the vice-chairman’s father. There are rumors that he has a strong sexual appetite, and the wife is intrigued… “Your husband said that my wife has a strong sexual desire and it’s a problem,” “Did your husband say that?” “Would you like to have sex with me just once?” “No, that’s not OK, it’s dirty down there,” “You have thick hair, you prune your hair at the flower shop but your pubic hair is left unchecked,” “Don’t do that, I’ll come!” Two stories included