満員電車で小柄で可愛いゆるふわ系女子に急接近! 混雑に紛れて外道たちが完全包囲! 肉棒を見せつけ握らせ逃がさない! 恐怖に震えるカラダを押さえつけ抵抗する気が失せるまで集団イカセ! ナマでぶち込み欲望のままザーメン肉便器! 残酷すぎる快感に涙を浮かべた絶望顔で大量中出し堕ち!! ※この作品は2025年2月頃発売予定のNHDTC-017「生中集団10」の一部と同じ内容です。
A petite and cute girl with a fluffy body is suddenly approached on a crowded train! The villains completely surround her in the crowd! They show her their dicks and make her hold them, and they won’t let her go! They hold down her body, trembling with fear, and make her cum until she loses the will to resist! They thrust it in raw and make her a semen toilet as they please! She falls into a cruel pleasure and has tears in her eyes as she is creampied! *This work contains the same content as part of nhdtc-017 “Raw Creampie Group 10”, which is scheduled to be released in February 2025.